Drive Safe with Suzuki’s 23 Point Check Up

Caring for your car increases driving safety.

“Vehicle neglect – not getting your brakes checked, having worn out tires and ineffective wipers can cause accidents,” shared Suzuki Service Manager Rommel Cabanela. “Our after-sales service camps are, thus, our way of ensuring our customer’s safety.”

A Suzuki Technician

Suzuki holds free, 23 point check ups. A technician tops off fluids at the first bay of Suzuki @ Work, an after-sales service camp held at Suzuki Auto Shaw on October 14. The service camp is like an assembly line where the vehicle passes through three stations or bays. Every customer’s unit check up will include topping of fluids, checking of battery condition using a Computerized Battery Tester and checking of engine performance with the use of Suzuki Diagnostic Tool (SDT), all free of charge. The customers will also be given recommendations on specific areas of the unit that require servicing. For more information, log on to or call the Suzuki customer care hotline at 902 1001.

Dubbed ‘Suzuki @ work,’ the after-sales service camp, features a free 23 point check up for Suzuki vehicles.

“Many of our customers were not going back to their dealers to get their cars checked because their warranties expired. With Suzuki’s camp, even if your warranty expires, you can still get the full check up,” he stressed during the latest leg of Suzuki @ Work held last October 13 to 14 at Suzuki Auto Shaw.

Precision is key

The 23 point check list is followed to the letter by Suzuki personnel.

“It’s essential that we don’t miss anything. Our service camp is like an assembly line where the vehicle passes through three bays. At every bay, there is a team of technicians and mechanics checking a specific portion of the check list. Each team is supervised by a Suzuki engineer from Japan,” Cabanela added.

Every customer’s unit check up will include topping of fluids, checking of battery condition using a Computerized Battery Tester and checking of engine performance with the use of Suzuki Diagnostic Tool (SDT), all free of charge.

Suzuki Mechanics

Suzuki mechanics inspect the transmission of a Suzuki Alto during a free after-sales service camp held last October 14 at Suzuki Auto Shaw in Mandaluyong. Dubbed Suzuki @ Work, the after-sales service camp features a free 23 point vehicle check up for Suzuki vehicles. A Suzuki service camp is like an assembly line where the vehicle passes through three stations or bays. Each bay has a team of qualified technicians. Every customer’s unit check up will include topping of fluids, checking of battery condition using a Computerized Battery Tester and checking of engine performance with the use of Suzuki Diagnostic Tool (SDT). The service is available for all Suzuki vehicles. Visit or call Suzuki’s customer care hotline: (02) 902 1001 for more information.

In the first bay, the vehicle’s general condition is checked. The aircon, windows, mirrors, wipers, and all the lights are among the areas examined in this stage. The hand and foot brake are also adjusted in the first bay. An inspection of the under chassis – front and rear brakes, transmission – follows.

Wheel bearing, the condition of tires and power steering hoses and fluids are also checked at the second bay. At the last station, Suzuki engineers will take an exhaustive look under the hood. The condition of the belts, engine and engine oil, as well as ignition timing are examined at the last bay.

The whole process is documented in a service check-list that accompanies the vehicle through the three bays. The check-list also serves as proof that the vehicle has gone through the service camp. Recommendations on specific areas of the unit that require servicing plus a 15 percent discount on parts on their next visit are also given to customers.

Cabanela stated that Suzuki is gearing up for more service camps. “We’re encouraging our customers to stay safe on the road by driving well-maintained vehicles. They can log on to get the latest Suzuki @ Work schedules or call our customer care hotline 902 1001 for more information.

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